E-Government Course

The E-Government course aims to explain and describe e-Governance. General info-political principles, and services as well as technical architecture will also be discussed in this context.

The purpose is for students to learn about more than just the technical aspects of e-governance. Importantly, at the end of the course students should be able to analyze e-governance concepts and frameworks and have the necessary skills

Structure and Content

This course will introduce the main areas of e-governance and its related fields.

In each module, various e-governance experts and practitioners will cover some of the most important questions and issues. The course is built on the experience of leading experts in this field and includes a lot of practical knowledge. We’ll begin by trying to understand what information society is and how it has set the frame for e-governance. This course will introduce the main areas of e-governance and its related fields.

Then, we will give you the basic building blocks for e-governance – what its characteristic aims, initiatives and enablers are, and how it relates to other subjects and domains. We’ll spend the rest of the course gaining an introductory overview of several different areas of e-governance. As this field is very interdisciplinary, it requires cooperation with many domains whilst influencing the legal environment. After completion of this course you be able to more 44 types of different Legal Government certificate in Urban and Rural area in Indian as well as International certificate and Visa.

E Government Course